Our Service Area
We proudly provide Home Health and Hospice Care in Clay, Parke, Sullivan, Vermillion and Vigo Counties.
Our History
We've been here for you since 1915!
Our Mission Statement
Providing the best in home health and hospice care in the Wabash Valley.
Our Passion, Our Promise, Our Privilege.
Our Passion, Our Promise, Our Privilege.
Speakers Bureau
In our ongoing effort to provide continuing education and raise awareness, Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice of the Wabash Valley, a non for profit agency offers a series of programs designed to address the needs and concerns of the community. We provide speakers at no cost to clubs, organizations, faith-based groups, senior centers and other interested audiences. The goal of our Speaker’ Bureau is to educate our community on home health and hospice services. Our Speaker’s Bureau can tailor presentations according to your group’s needs and wishes. Some common topics are Basics of Home Health Care and Hospice 101: Myths and Facts.
To request a speaker for future presentations, please contact us below and request Ext. 248 at least one month prior to your preferred date. The Speakers Bureau is a free service. Donations are accepted to provide care to our clients in need.
To request a speaker for future presentations, please contact us below and request Ext. 248 at least one month prior to your preferred date. The Speakers Bureau is a free service. Donations are accepted to provide care to our clients in need.